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20th anniversary of giving the name and banner of the Primary School

them. Ignacy Antoni Zboiński in Kikół

and being awarded the PRO PATRIA Medal.

Zdjęcie Ignacego Antoniego Zboińskiego
Zdjęcie sztandaru oznaczonego medalem Pro Patria w dwudziestą rocznicę nadania imienia i sztandaru szkole.

* The 20th anniversary of naming the school and its standard

and the presentation of the "Pro Patria" Medal >>>

" Everything big is big through the heart"

Cyprian Kamil Norwid


Primary School Principal

them. Ignacy Antoni Zboiński in Kikół, thanks the students, teachers,

service and administration employees,

parents, everyone who has turned on

into the organization

The 20th anniversary of naming the school

and the presentation of the "Pro Patria" Medal

Kikół, November 24, 2017

Thank you

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