1st place in the Poviat School Youth Games in mini handball for girls.
team composition: Bonowicz Oliwia, Buczkowska Emilia, Choromańska Natalia, Grabowska Magdalena, Kowalska Roksana, Lewandowska Justyna, Lewandowska Paulina, Szupska Patrycja, Tatarewicz Emilia, Wysakowska Aleksandra, Wysocka Monika, Wysocka Wiktoria, Zalewska Zuzanna.
Szymon Kozłowski took the first place in the Commune Calendar 2016 competition.
Miłosz Osiński took the third place in the Commune Calendar 2016 competition.
2nd place in the Provincial Art Competition "Goose travels around Kujawy and Pomerania"
Katarzyna Naklicka was taken.
2nd place 2nd place in the 2nd TŁUCHÓW WINTER SONG FESTIVAL went to the vocal group
composed of Julia Drozdowska , Alan Piński and Sylwester Rogalski.
1st place in the national competition "SKO Blog of the Month".
Third place went to Malvina Ziółkowska II Interschool Competition in British Poetry "Poetry Lovers" in Maliszewie.
The Special Prize was awarded to Jan Jabłoński in the provincial competition
plastic - preventive "I choose health - I choose life".
Julia Fabiszewska took the third place in the 16th Provincial Recitation Competition of Poetry and Prose devoted to music and Fryderyk Chopin
Zuzanna Lewandowska took the 1st place in the regional FAI-2016 Young Artists Competition.
Klaudia Mikołajczyk took the first place in the 13th Provincial Theater Interpretation Competition.
Third place went to Julia Fabiszewska in the Provincial Competition XIII Interpretation of Drama.
the honorable mention went to Miłosz Osiński in the 13th Provincial Theater Interpretation Competition.
Jakub Jackowski took the 1st place in the 3rd Commune Drafts Tournament in the category of classes I-II.
Piotr Grabowski took the 1st place in the 3rd Commune Drafts Tournament in the 3rd-4th classes category.
Piotr Wiśniewski took the first place in the 3rd Municipal Drafts Tournament in the category of classes III-IV.
Miłosz Osiński took the third place in the Interschool Nice Writing Competition.
The fifth place in the provincial football tournament "FROM THE YARD TO THE STADIUM FOR THE TYMBARK CUP" was taken by the team consisting of: Hubert Jaworski, Łukasz Jaworski, Oskar Kalinowski, Oliwier Pawłowski, Jakub Kalinowski, Wiktor Majewski, Kacper Chmal, Bartosz Rączkiewicz
Klaudia Mikołajczyk took the first place in the "Spring Poetry" Inter-County Recitation Competition
Julia Fabiszewska took the second place in the "Spring Poetry" Inter-County Recitation Competition
the distinction was awarded to class Ic in the National Competition "Planeta Energii"
Agnieszka Bartosz, Monika Kalinowska, Maja Kałużna, Roksana Kopczyńska, Alan Krasiński, Cecylia Kozłowska, Klaudia Lewandowska, Zuzanna Opuszyńska, Oskar Rogalski, Iga Rosłonowska Wiktoria Sadowska, Mateusz Szklarek, Sebastian Urbański, Izabela Wojciechowska, Szymon Wojciechowski, Milena Zarębska, Daria Zielińska, Daria Zielińska
Szymon Kozłowski took the 1st place in the 7th Interschool Linguistic and Artistic Competition "Easter Bunny". on Easter theme
Magdalena Myszkowska was awarded the honorable mention in the VII Interschool Linguistic and Plastic Competition "Easter Bunny". on Easter theme
the honorable mention was given to Łukasz Zagrabski in the 7th Interschool Linguistic and Artistic Competition "Easter Bunny". on Easter theme
Roksana Kopczyńska took the first place in the Poviat Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land" in the 1st class category.
Wiktoria Bonowicz received the honorable mention in the 1st class category in the County Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land".
Gabriela Pińska received the honorable mention in the 1st class category in the County Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land".
Izabela Komorowska took the first place in the II class category in the County Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land".
Wiktor Krakowski took third place in the II class category in the County Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land".
Alicja Dykowska took 2nd place in the 3rd class category in the County Recitation Competition "Our Little Homeland, the Dobrzyń Land".
Igor Marcinkowski was awarded the honorable mention in the 6th edition of the Interschool Competition in English "English is fun".
Wiktor Krakowski took the first place in the Commune Literary Competition "An interesting story of my grandmother / my grandfather".
Miłosz Osiński took the second place in the Commune Literary Competition "An interesting story of my grandmother / my grandfather".
Kinga Izraelska took the second place in the Commune Literary Competition "An interesting story of my grandmother / my grandfather".
Wiktor Krakowski took the second place in the Communal Art Competition "My Family - Family Tree"
Ada Sadowska took the third place in the Communal Art Competition "My Family - Family Tree"
And the winner was the degree with honors Mazurkiewicz Adrianna in the National Competition
Mathematical "Olympiad of Knowledge Archimedes. Plus"
And the winner was the degree with honors Szupska Patrycja in the National Competition
Mathematical "Olympiad of Knowledge Archimedes. Plus"
Igor Marcinkowski was the laureate of the first degree with honors in the National Competition
Mathematical "Olympiad of Knowledge Archimedes. Plus"
Znaniecka Natalia was the laureate of the 1st degree in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
Wiśniewska Bogumiła was the laureate of the first degree in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
Wysocka Wiktoria was the laureate of the second degree in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
the laureate of the third degree was Tatarewicz Emilia in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
Wysakowska Aleksandra was the laureate of the third degree in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
the laureate of the third degree was Różański Maciej in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
Choromańska Oktawia was the laureate of the third degree in the National Mathematical Competition "Archimedes Knowledge Olympiad. Plus".
Adrianna Mazurkiewicz took the first place in the Communal Competition of Knowledge about Cooperative Banking.
Szupska Patrycja took the second place in the Communal Competition of Knowledge about Cooperative Banking.
Wiśniewska Bogumiła was awarded the distinction in the Communal Competition of Knowledge about Cooperative Banking.
Oskar Rogalski was the winner of the National Competition for Nature and Ecology.
Cecylia Kozłowska was the winner of the National Competition for Nature and Ecology.
Iga Rosłonowska was the winner of the National Competition on Nature and Ecology.
Jackowski Jakub received an honorable mention in the International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo 2016".
Kopycińska Aleksandra received an honorable mention in the International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo 2016"
Mikołajczyk Alicja received a distinction in the International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo 2016".
Spytek Martyna received an honorable mention in the International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo 2016".
Konrad Żankowski received an honorable mention in the International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo 2016".